

<後左>Mindy, Jamie, Mimi Lai, May, 我 <前左>Vivian, Mimi Liu & Sunny

Mindy: aka the drama queen,喜歡下班後邀請大家一起去吃抓餅,喜歡看少女漫畫,林俊傑,還有碎碎念,年紀最小但是感覺最老沉.

Jamie: aka strawberry. 長得有點像某卡通人物,眼睛會講話,這次實習最大的收穫應該就是撈到了一枚男友!

Mimi Lai: aka the sorority girl - Known for her passion for gamma phi beta and series of incidents with chinese medicine.

May: The Mommy Duck - Always taking care of the girls,very mature and easy-going,是個貼心又很負責任的女生.

Winnie: aka the boob grabber - long story XD

Vivian: aka the shooter - 日北妞,喜歡任何跟日本有關的事物,爸爸是不得了得人物?!跟院長原來是...

Mimi Liu: aka ghetto fabulous - 笑聲很特別,會傳染,是個 party animal,所以每天上班幾乎都會遲到!

Sunny: aka the one-line wonder - 常常答非所問,can get very intimidated when you point your camera at her.笑容就如同名字一樣的溫暖!